Previous Programs:
Leadership Walk with Chanakya - Oct 2021 ( Five day residential retreat in the lap of Himalayas with the living Chanakya , Dr Radhakrishnan Pillai)
According to Chanakya, Our future lies in the past. Chanakya's vision was to transform Kings ( In Today's world, Leaders, Entrepreneurs & Corporates) into Vijigishus ( conquerors), hence Chanakya unveiled the Saptanga Shastra to Chandragupta and made him the conqueror.
Dr. Radhakrishan Pillai, decoded this Saptanga Shastra in the simplest form and helped us understand this Gupt Vidya in this 5 day residential retreat at Dunagiri, Uttarakhand. Our 2nd season was held between 1st -5th Oct, 2021. The theme of the program was to understand "How to become a Vijigishu? (A world conqueror).